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Glass               Black Flame

         Scarf          The Romance of the Rose



The glass is deep blue.

Restlessly you clasp it in your hands, again and again

return it to the table,

pain and discomfort causing you

to wheel your chair constantly.


As I take it from you

memories seen in depths

offer, long gone,

a room shared for a rehearsal,

a pier blasted by the sea.


Here in your house—wife, daughters, nurse,

sun benignly and goldenly

sends long slants across the wooden floor.

Leaves make a dry swirling

in a sudden gust.


It is so intensely and deeply blue

the glass your wife bought,

that you drink from, that I look into.

Is each of our lives our own dream,

yours, now longing to be free?

Sara Boyes

published in Second Light Newsletter, Dec 2004



Black Flame


Her eyes slide along the words and over him

so tall and gorgeous in his old black shirt

sitting on the other side of the room.


The fire burns red but a kind of wall is standing between.

Desire curls up and slips back, awash with sadness.

She wants to reach out and through but doesn't know how.


He is telling her—if he felt like it,

one day, he would suggest going to the sea.

He tells her, too much routine is not a good thing.


Could she ever live with him, whose work and life

seem to fuse into that living black flame

licking behind some big brick wall?


Sara Boyes

published in Keystone, Issue 1, June 2002
and in
Black Flame,  Hearing Eye, 2005
ISBN No. 1 870841 25 5





This is how they meet.  

He unlocks the door.  

They ascend the stairs.  

He makes them a cup of tea.  


And all her thoughts of him:

his dark and searching face,

his body—what they have done—

and all the fantasies they have


come trailing to the edge

and down the deep they fall:

words, endearments, desires

touching soft as silk.


Sara Boyes

published in Acumen, 45, Jan 2003
and in
Black Flame,  Hearing Eye, 2005
ISBN No. 1 870841 25 5



The Romance of the Rose


Summer—. Early morning—.

Sky so high, a blue vault of heaven.


Up the flight of stairs, up another flight

the desired Romance,


exquisite thick of petal, leads.

Along the corridor chequered black by white,


the sparkling of the chandelier

lighting dark wood cupboards.


Past the lit chapel, students, stamens in light

speaking in God's illumined interior.


-The Romance of the Rose-?

From the desk the librarian directs.


Information on thin gossamer secretes, unwinds.

The path—amidst the books,


various as hedgerow flowers,

leads—barely decipherable, to stairs.


Rooms on long budding stems open.  Heads

dotted over at tables, display pages.


In the quiet, amidst other French books,

The Romance of the Rose,


Europe's fount of romantic love, stands upright.

Shimmers in the electric light.

Sara Boyes

published in Acumen, 36, Jan 2000


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