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Highly Commended, Torriano Poetry Competition, 2006 


Warning:  when I am an old man I shall wear walnut


lined with lilywhite silk for cool extravagance

and polished brass buttons that never show fingerprints,


and an earthen hat and boots that will never suit

and alabaster armour arranged fastidiously with a wink and a grin.


I shall whisper to my mole and worm menagerie

of places they never dreamed of, over fine nettle wine on a warm evening.


I shall practise my horizontal gait, ungainly at first,

until I hit my stride and kick the lid with rage at the grass ceiling


stifling my ambition, keeping me from rising

to my proper place as a blue sky thinker.


When I am an old man I shall hide in my wooden nest down there

long before that old woman in purple


with the silly red hat and the brandy and the slippers in the rain

stops her bloody showing off


and joins me.


Stephen Elves


(with acknowledgments to Jenny Joseph)


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