Michael Bartholomew-Biggs
last update:
4 Jan 14
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poetry favourites:
London Grip Magazine
Poetry in the Crypt
Poetry Kit
Poetry London
The Troubadour
Arvon Courses
Shoestring Press
Smokestack Books
Inpress Books
Sphinx Chapbook Reviews
Toddington Poetry Society
Poetry Library (digital archive)
Hearing Eye &Torriano
and in the shop…
collections –
“The Man Who Wasn’t Ever Here ”,
Wayleave Press;
“Poems in the Case”,
“Fred & Blossom”
“Tradesman’s Exit”,
Shoestring Press;
“Tell it Like it Might Be”
Smokestack Books;
(others as listed and linked in biography)
Come with me willingly, let’s visit Blossom in Willingdon;
we’ll stub out our Weights and suck in sweet East Sussex air
as we climb from the grime of our railway carriage at Polegate
then take a Ford taxi, whose cost we shall probably share;
a mere ninety minutes from busy Victoria station
we are deep in the Downs – and all for a quite modest fare.
Calling us urgently, church of St Mary the Virgin
your incense of centuries renders us dizzy and faint:
yet even more thrillingly, we’ve spotted Blossom in Willingdon:
with her long luscious lashes and sweet oval face of a saint
and fine slender figure and excellent legs in silk stockings.
She has paused by the pond in a pose that Rossetti might paint.
The pub is convivial: roughly a shilling in Willingdon
buys a pint of strong ale and a helping of good bread and cheese.
The saloon bar is filling, the landlord is beaming a welcome;
outside in the high street are shopkeepers eager to please.
Blossom strides by them all (did I mention silk stockings already?)
but the pout of her sensuous mouth says she’s not well at ease.
She’s discovering London is chillingly distant from Willingdon –
not in miles or in minutes but units of ennui instead;
it’s the distance to shows and new clothes, to gossip and galleries
and more varied company, not just the well-bred and dead.
Blossom’s afternoon options: she can drive to the Downs or the sea-side;
she can envy the hawks or the gulls as they wheel overhead.