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last update:

4 Jan 14

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poetry favourites:
London Grip Magazine  

Poetry in the Crypt  

Poetry Kit
Poetry London
The Troubadour
Arvon Courses
Shoestring Press
Smokestack Books
Inpress Books  

Sphinx Chapbook Reviews
Toddington Poetry Society
Poetry Library (digital archive)
Hearing Eye &Torriano

and in the shop…
collections –
“Identified Flying Objects ”,
Shoestring Press;

“The Man Who Wasn’t Ever Here ”,
Wayleave Press;

“Poems in the Case”,
“Fred & Blossom”
“Tradesman’s Exit”,
Shoestring Press;
“Tell it Like it Might Be”
Smokestack Books;
(others as listed and linked in biography)




this poet is taking part in the poetry pRO project
this poet is taking part in the poetry tREnD project


Michael Bartholomew-Biggs was born in Essex but grew up in Middlesex. A youthful aptitude for sums and symbolic manipulation caused him to embark on a computational career, first in the aircraft industry and then in higher education. He retired from full-time academic life in 2008.
While living in Bedfordshire in the late 1980s, he took some new-found poetic aspirations along to the Toddington Poetry Society and was met with generous advice and encouragement from wise and sympathetic listeners such as John Cotton, Donald Atkinson and F.M. Brown. Magazine appearances followed, thanks to helpful editors like David Lightfoot and Roy Blackman.
His first pamphlet appeared in 1998 and has been followed by three others – the most recent being Uneasy Relations (Hearing Eye, 2007) in which the two halves of his brain cooperate to produce poems which play with mathematical concepts. His first full collection Tell it Like it Might Be (Smokestack, 2008) searches for “what really happened” behind familiar stories such as lovers’ protestations, government statements or the Christian gospels. His second book, Tradesman’s Exit, (Shoestring, 2009) mixes elegy with personal recollection to test the links between who we are, what we do and how we might be remembered.
His most recent collections are Fred & Blossom (Shoestring, 2013) and Poems in the Case (Shoestring, 2018). The former is a narrative sequence set in the 1920s and 30s which combines aviation and romance. The latter is a ‘murder mystery in prose and verse’ (P W Bridgman – read his extensive review at London Grip.
He now lives in London with his wife, the poet Nancy Mattson, and together they run the Poetry in the Crypt events at St Mary’s Church in Islington. He is currently working on an “evolution myth” based on a series of paintings by the Australian artist David Walsh.
On Mike’s published work:
These books can be obtained through Mike or, in some cases, direct from the publisher:
2013: Fred & BlossomShoestring Press
a sequence based on the true story of F.G. Miles and Maxine “Blossom” Forbes-Robertson whose romance began in an aeroplane and who were at the centre of the fashionable world of light aviation in the 1930s. The poems touch on the beginnings of airline travel, the British class system and the Spanish Civil War. They also give glimpses of such figures as Douglas Bader, Joseph Stalin and Peter Pan and carry the distant voices of Rudyard Kipling, Louis MacNeice and John Betjeman.

gloriously eccentric … an improbable triumph (The Frogmore Papers)

2009: Tradesman’s ExitShoestring Press
Poems which look affectionately at some of the 21st century’s endangered trades and crafts – and at what might supersede them.

A generous and inclusive collection of poems (The Frogmore Papers)

Tell it Like it Might BeSmokestack Books £7.95
Poems which celebrate and question the value of human imagination – the source of vision and empathy but also the root of delusion and deception.

If my house caught fire and I had to run out very quickly I would reach for Tell it Like it Might Be – it’s serious work from a very able poet (Other Poetry)

Uneasy RelationsHearing Eye £3
Poems based on mathematical ideas which may be murmured as zen-like meditations.

… elegant and relevant – even to non mathematicians (Sphinx)

Inklings of ComplicityPikestaff Press £3
These poems dip into the undercurrents of everyday experience and which may, or may not, explain what happens at the surface.

Impressively peopled with detail (Envoi)

Anglicised by Common UseWaldean Press £2.95
Poems of identity which explain the author’s tenuous but genuine claim to Irish nationality.

Oblique approaches poetically achieved (Other Poetry)