last update:
19th Oct 11
poetry favourites:
Poetry Archive
Poetry Magazines
Poetry Library
and and in theshop…
collection –
“A Guided Tour of the Ice House”,
pamphlet collections –
“Unscheduled Halt”,
Smith/Doorstop Books
I wear my sisters round my wrist.
Loop over loop their twisted
hair chafes my skin as I write
here in the kitchen late at night;
who is it clears her throat before
the clock’s strike at turn of stair,
whose the face in the copper pan?
Out of the gate for air, I run
and they’re leaping now from stone
to stone. Down the cobbled lane
I fly in Anne’s best cotton gloves,
the hob-nailed boots Emily loved.
Footsteps when there’s no-one there,
just these twists of my sisters’ hair.