Alison Brackenbury biography
last update:
13 Dec 10
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Alison’s website
listen: Alison Brackenbury at Poetry Archive
poetry favourites:
and in the shop…
collections –
“Singing in the Dark”
Alison Brackenbury may be Britain’s only poet in a boiler suit. Her first collection, Dreams of Power, was published by Carcanet in the distant days of 1981. ‘A vivid new talent,’ said The Sunday Times. She then became a horse owner, mother and manual worker. In a life with more subjects than time, she has scrambled through a further six collections. Her poems have appeared in all the major journals, many anthologies and a variety of national newspapers, and have won an Eric Gregory and a Cholmondeley Award.
Alison has recently scripted five features for Radio 3, produced by Julian May, with her poems smuggled on board. Alison can be heard reading five of her poems on the PoetCasting site.
Her latest full length collection is Singing in the Dark, Carcanet, 2008. “A quiet lyricism and delight”, (The Guardian). This can be bought at Amazon here.
Alison has also published a recent chapbook of her much-loved animal poems, Shadow, Happenstance Press, 2009. ‘Beautiful, precise, sure-footed poems’. (Jane Holland) This can be bought (for a mere £4) at the HappenStance website.
Alison is a keen Internet user, and is always glad to hear from readers via her website, which includes a blog (with luscious photographs) and new poems: Alison Brackenbury.
She is on Facebook, where she runs a group called ‘Poems from Alison’ whose members receive a message with a (free!) new poem every couple of months. She can also be found as ABRACKENBURY on the dreaded Twitter, musing on cats and couplets.