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4th Jan23

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collections –
“Lunch on a Green Ledge”
Stairwell Books;
“Last Boat to Avalon”,
Peterloo Poets;
“St Swithun’s Day”, Friends of Winchester Cathedral




Back then, and with deliberation
we took a wrong turn. It seemed
so daring, and like excited children
randomly empowered,
we could not resist. Further and further
we made our way, and learned
the distorted footfall
fit to carry us forward.
A few turned round to fret
by some of the waysides,
broke out, pleaded, pointed elsewhere.
We soon made it understood
that only cowards and madmen
shouted, Go back.
It seemed so laudable.
Each new accomplishment
compounded the labyrinth.
We chose our circumstance, until
circumstance chose us,
made us the culprits.
“What shouldn’t have happened, did.”
We try to imagine
how to un-happen this, find
it was always too late,
cursed as we are
with enormous brains
we shall never live up to,
and guilty, opposable thumbs.

Stella Davis

first published in The New European, October 2020;
in collection Lunch on a Green Ledge, 2023, Stairwell Books,
ISBN 978-1-913432-60-7