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last update:
30th Aug 20

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Poetry on the Lake website

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joint collection –
“Rugged Rocks Running Rascals”
DragonSpawn Press
Poetry on the Lake anthologies



this poet is taking part in the poetry pRO project
this poet is taking part in the poetry tREnD project


Gabriel Griffin is the creator and organiser of the annual Poetry on the Lake spring international poetry competition and autumn festival, founded in 2001 and still going strong; also Readings for UNESCO World Poetry Day and other poetry events, events and seminars on community communication for the Venice Biennale, art exhibitions and cultural events in Milan.
Her work has been prized in competitions and published in a number of magazines and anthologies 1999-2020 including, Scintilla, Envoi, Poetry Life, My Mother Threw Knives, How Do I Love Thee, Poetry as a Foreign Language, Writers Forum, Beehive Press, Coventry Millennium Anthology, Still, HQ Poetry Magazine, Ripley, Split the Lark, Forest Arts, Wiltshire County Libraries, Barnet Borough Arts, Writers’ Bureau, HQ Poetry Magazine, Acorn Book of Contemporary Haiku, Norwich Writers, and Peterloo. In 2019 she is published in a shared collection with Barbara Hickson and Bev Morris: Rugged Rocks Running Rascals – poems for complicated times, published by DragonSpawn Press.

Comment on her poems in Rugged Rocks Running Rascals:

Reading Gabriel Griffin’s poems is to be immersed in myth and history, in environments that feel alien, but wrap around us like a cloak; as though everything, everyone, is never quite here but, once gone, never truly leaves. In these uneasy, haunting, poems, from the Ice Age, through Arcadia, to a modern-day laboratory, we are reminded of what we dismiss from our minds in order to secure the comfort of our own easy living.


Anne Stewart


Comment on her poems generally:

Musical – skillfully handled


Doris Corti, on poem Sherazade and her Sultan


A deeply layered, visionary piece to read and enjoy repeatedly… takes the great leap of the imagination which is the essence of poetry.


Alison Chisholm, on poem Learning the language of the lake


It is very difficult to write a poem about a political subject, a subject in the news more or less every day, which feels fresh and new, which does not feel somehow, you know, worthy but I think this poet has managed it.


John Whitworth


Several Poetry on the Lake competition anthologies are available, including:
2006, Stranger, (43 poems, 26 translations in Italian, line illustrations) £9.50 (incl. p&p) or euro €15
2005, Hic et nunc (49 poems + 14 translations in Italian)
2003, Hortus Conclusus (44 poems, 11 translations in Italian )
2001, Lakes and Fresh Waters (88 poems, winning poem also in Italian)
   at £7. 50 (incl. p&p) or Euro €12 each
From:   Poetry on the Lake, Isola San Giulio – 28016 Orta NO – Italy.
        Tel: (+39) 347-8464227 or e-mail: Poetry on the Lake