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Tue 6th

Second Light Open Poetry Competition for Long and Short Poems by Women

£325 1st prize for each of long (over 50 lines) and short (up to 50 lines) categories
£175 2nd prize (1 poem from either category)
£100 3rd prize (1 poem from either category)
& publication (in full or extract) in ARTEMISpoetry.
see Details & Entry (pdf file)

Wendy French



Frogmore Poetry Prize 2024 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2023 (at Frogmore Press website)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2022 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2021 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2020 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2019 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2018 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2017 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2016 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2015 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2014 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2013 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2012 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2011 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2010 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2009 (pdf)
Frogmore Poetry Prize 2008 (pdf)

Poetry on the Lake           (results on the Poetry on the Lake website)

Second Light, all from 2008

Torriano 2008/9

Ver Poets Open Poetry Competition 2015 (pdf)

Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2011 (pdf)
Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2010 (pdf)
Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2009 (pdf)
Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2008 (pdf)
Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2007 (pdf)
Virginia Warbey Poetry Prize 2006 (pdf)

Ware Poetry Competition 2023 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2022 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2021 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2020 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2019 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2018 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2017 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2016 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2015 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2014 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2013 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2012 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2011 (pdf)
Ware Poetry Competition 2010 (pdf)

© of all poems featured on this site remains with the poet
site feedback welcome