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in collection, After Babel, 2004,

Peterloo Poets, ISBN 1-904324-03-7


Nominal Aphasia


Nominal aphasia: a condition in which the nouns – but not necessarily other types of words – cannot be accessed by the brain


They are driving away from me

down the where they came from earlier

to visit me here in this

where I am


And cannot think of how to get away

or how I would manage

now that the

I had so easily once

have vanished from my

where they were always there ready

to roll off my long pink moist

where I keep it in my

where I eat and spit


Others such as wake shit sleep

have stayed but not the what

we all used in the old

the before

the before this happened


So perhaps they won’t come again to see me

now I can’t find the

whatever they were we always called them

to talk



Christine Webb


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e-mail Christine

and in the shop ...
collections -
"Catching Your Breath",
Cinnamon Press;

"After Babel",
Peterloo Poets;

 anthology -
"A Twist of Malice",
Grey Hen Press


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