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published in Lallans, 71


Brunt Black


Da liquid gied

fae da boddom o me pan

an da maet brunt

a tick, black lower crust

an I cursed an swore

an naebuidy got it,

tellt me

hit wid be aricht

tellt me

hit wid choost add flavour.


Da liquid gied

ta da boddom o me belly

an I cursed an swore

brunt black wi rage

cut aabuidy tae bits

an dey shot me doon

an I didna git it,

tellt dim

hit wid be aricht

tellt dim

hit wid choost add flavour.


Wir aa gjaain ta dust

whin wir bön troo liquid

an oot da idder side.

Wi’ll see whit wi’ll see

whin wi gjit dere

if be den we even care.

I say hit’ll be aricht.

I say hit’ll choost add flavour.



Christie Williamson


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