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last update:
3 Jun15

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Alison Lock at Calder Valley Poetry

poetry favourites:
Indigo Dreams Publishing

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collections –
“Revealing the Odour of Earth”
Calder Valley Poetry;
“Beyond Wings”
and “A Slither of Air”,
Indigo Dreams Publishing



Alison Lock’s poetry and short stories have appeared in anthologies and journals in the UK and internationally. Her work has won prizes in The London Magazine and The Sentinel Literary Quarterly Review amongst others.
Her first poetry collection, A Slither of Air, was winner of the 2011 Indigo Dreams Poetry Collection Competition. She was Poet-in-residence at Holmfirth Arts Festival 2012 and her poem Eye of the Heron was performed at the launch the following year. Beyond Wings (Indigo Dreams Publishing 2015) is her second poetry collection; its poems connect an inner world with an exploration of the land and a love of nature, through poetry, prose, and haibun.
She has also published a short story collection and she is currently working on a fantasy novella – to be published in 2015.
She has an MA in Literature Studies and facilitates Transformative Life Writing courses.
Links to books information at Indigo Dreams Publishing:
           Beyond Wings            A Slither of Air