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last update:

12 Dec16

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poetry favourites:
Poetry Kit
South Poetry Magazine
Dempsey & Windle


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collections –
Dempsey & Windle;
“Choosing the Route”
Indigo Dreams;
“Rough Music”
“Short Stories: Suburban Lives”




Last Reunion

Each evening, when the August sun was low,
They’d come to check the field behind the house –
Impatient for the harvest to be done.
They’d circle, honking, just above the ground
And, when the crop was in, on stubble field
Touched down in ones and twos, small family groups,
Skeins, silhouetted by the setting sun.
Leaving each morning, they’d return at dusk
For a noisy reunion every day…
And every year the pattern was the same:
They’d stay a week or so and then move on
To over-winter many miles away.
This year, when geese had gone, men came with plans:
Theodolites cast shadows over land.

in collection, Changes, 2017, Dempsey & Windle,
ISBN 978-1-9074353-6-5