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in collection, Facing the Public, Sep, 2009,

Anvil Press Poetry, ISBN 978-0-8564641-2-6



The Boy from Durras


Yes, that’s right, the Tans picked up children

and you know why of course, don’t you?

They were looking for information.

I’ll tell you something now on the quiet

and you’ll get no one round here

to talk about it. No, they wouldn’t open their mouths.

There was a young fellow picked up outside Durras.

He was sent down from the house.

I’d say only about twelve or thirteen,

not much more, sent down to the shop to get the messages

And the Tans picked him up, gave him a lift to the shop.

whether he said something or not, was never known.

There’s no point in asking me

and you won’t get anyone round here to talk about it.

There was an IRA safe house raided that night, anyway

a truck load of the Boys taken to Bandon Barracks.

Well, you wouldn’t want to be arrested by the Essex Regiment

no sir, fingernails pulled off and a slow death by the barracks fire

they were very fond of the red hot poker, the Essex were.

Did the boy give them a tip-off? No one knows.

You’ll get no one round here to talk about it today.

And it’s seventy years on,

No, a crowd from the village came for the boy.

The parents couldn’t save him, he was tied to a horse

and cart and dragged, yes the very same that the Tans

done to that priest outside Dunmanway, he was dragged

as far as Dromore before they stopped.

I’d say that’s a distance of about forty mile.

And don’t forget that you never heard this from me.


Martina Evans


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and in the shop ...
collections -

"Facing the Public",
"All Alcoholics
Are Charmers"
"Can Dentists
Be Trusted?",


"The Iniscarra Bar
and Cycle Rest",


novels -
"Midnight Feast",
"No Drinking
No Dancing
No Doctors",
"The Glass Mountain"

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