Mandy Pannett has lived in Kent, Wales, London and Sussex where she has spent several years teaching English to pupils with a wide range of abilities including special needs. She also leads creative writing workshops for children and adults in various parts of the country and enjoys taking part in poetry readings of her own and other poets’ work. She runs an Arts Cafe in East Sussex and is involved in working with local writing groups, advising on and leading many sessions on poetry appreciation and writing. Her first collection of poems, Boy’s Story, was issued on CD with original music between some of the poems. This told the story of an imaginary servant boy growing up in medieval Ludlow. Two further collections of her poetry – Bee Purple and Frost Hollow – have been published by Oversteps Books – www.overstepsbooks.com − and her work has been widely published in magazines such as Tears in the Fence, Fire, Osiris, The Journal, Envoi, The Interpreter’s House, Coffee House, Other Poetry, South, Cadenza and online in Nth Position and Ink-Sweat-and-Tears. Her poetry is frequently described as musical, an attribute which she acknowledged in her introduction to Bee Purple where she wrote: ‘I found poetry through song. Writing lyrics for musician friends to perform in clubs around South East London, I went on to write musical plays for young people. This in turn led to writing songs for different television programmes. Trying to find the perfect blend of sound and meaning in lyrics, gave me an awareness of the richness, subtleties and musicality of words ...’
poetry favourites:
and in
... "Boy's
Story"; bi-lingual
all poems featured on this site remains with the
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