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last update:

26th Jan17

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poetry favourites:
Poetry Society
British Haiku Society
The London Magazine
London Grip
Michael Dylan Welch – haiku & more
Oversteps Books
Torriano Meeting House
HappenStance Press



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collections –
“Degrees of Twilight”
The London Magazine;
“Santi Clandestini – Undercover Saints”
Ward Wood Publishing;
“Ally Pally Prison Camp”
Oversteps Books;
Hearing Eye;
Greenwich Exchange;
pamphlet –
“Qunitana Roo”





My time is coming, smell it on the wind
watch raindrops winnowing down glass
touch ice-cube to your lips and tongue
feel the cool chemistry of meltwater
see me submerge fields and swallow crops
spill out of wells to infiltrate your graves
raising the dead; firm ground will swamp
to ooze and squelch and slip, mud-symphony
hear gurgles, trickles, runnels in your sleep
reach for the drifting flotsam of your dreams
sweep river-sludge and sewage from the rug
swell my boundaries with your salt tears;
heave seas, wide breaths to rear up hills
waves come to claim their lost inheritance
listen to the future: rain-rocked, lake-like
nothing divides the waters from the waters.

Maggie Butt

in collection, Degrees of Twilight, 2015,
The London Magazine Editions, ISBN 978-0-9926061-5-2