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Words Unbound /Mots Déchaînés,

Maison de la Poesie, Namur, Belgium (2005)

In English with French translation   

Like the Sea

        For Ffion b.7 April 2005


What is

this tender catch,

this fresh spill of creases

and folds, small miracles of nails?


What is

this swell and heave

of laundry, old clocks struck

dumb, nights now trickling towards dawn?


And this—

your hearts adrift

with a ripple of breath

in her throat, the tug of her lips.


She’s sea

flooding the plains

of your lives. Every day

it deepensyou can hardly breathe.


Lynne Rees


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poetry favourites:
British Haiku Society
Comtemporary Haibun online
Haiku Society of America
New Welsh Review
Red Moon Press
Simply Haiku

and in the shop ...
collection - "Learning How to Fall", Parthian;

short experimental prose (with Sarah Salway) - "Messages", Bluechrome;

novel - "The Oven House", Bluechrome


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