Lynne Rees was born and grew up in South Wales. She worked as a money dealer in the Channel Islands then later as a bookseller in Kent, running her own second-hand and antiquarian bookshop for twelve years. She holds a Masters Degree in Writing from the University of Glamorgan, and is the recipient of a Hawthornden Fellowship and the University of Kent’s Faculty of Humanities prize for innovative and inspiring practices in the teaching of poetry. In 2005 she set up AppleHouse Poetry, an independent project supporting poets in Kent and the South-East through a programme of workshops and masterclasses. She’s the author of a novel, The Oven House (Bluechrome 2004), a collection of poetry, Learning How to Fall (Parthian 2005), and co-author, with the novelist Sarah Salway, of Messages (Bluechrome 2006), a volume of short, experimental prose. In 2005/6 she represented Kent in Words Unbound, Canterbury City Council’s Make It Real international writers’ exchange between England, France, Belgium and Ireland. It was during the programme in Ireland that she was introduced to contemporary English language haiku writing and since then she has been researching, writing and publishing the forms of haiku, senryu, tanka and haibun. Her haibun, ‘Collection’, appears in big sky, The Red Moon Anthology 2006, the latest in an annual series of the best haiku and related work published in English around the world.
poetry favourites:
and in
... short experimental prose (with Sarah Salway) - "Messages", Bluechrome; novel - "The Oven House", Bluechrome
all poems featured on this site remains with the
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