Leah Fritz biography
last update:
15 Feb20
poetry favourites:
The Great Blankness
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PN Review
Poetry Review
Howard Fritz Blog
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collections –
“Whatever Send the Music Into Time: New and Selected Poems”
Salmon Poetry;
“Going, Going…”
“From Cookie to Witch is an Old Story”,
“Somewhere en Route – Poems 1987-1992”,
“The Way to Go”
Loxwood Stoneleigh;
“From Cookie to Witch is an Old Story”
in letterpress with woodcuts,
Hearing Eye;
and in anthologies:
“Women’s Work”,
(eds Eva Salzman & Amy Wack);
Hearing Eye:
“Well Versed”
“In the Company of Poets”
(ed John Rety)
“Sprial Bound”,
(ed Emily Johns)
“Deepening the Mystery”,
Editura SemnE
“Born in Romania”,
Contemporary Literature Press;
this poet is featured in the poetry pRO project
Biography, as last given by Leah:
Whatever Sends the Music into Time includes poems from her four previous collections, From Cookie to Witch is an Old Story (1987), Somewhere en Route (1992), The Way to Go (1999) – published by Loxwood Stoneleigh – and Going, Going…, originally published by bluechrome in 2007.
A special letterpress booklet of the title poem of that first collection, illustrated by Emily Johns, was published by Hearing Eye in 2004. About From Cookie to Witch is an Old Story (a poem), Chris Beckett, wrote in Poetry London: ‘Frankly, you shouldn’t even try to resist this book; it’s an old story (or two) beautifully reinvented.’
In July, 2014, Născut în România / Born in Romania, a collection of poems by Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, translated by Leah Fritz with Ioana Bușe, was published by the University of Bucharest’s Contemporary Literature Press on the internet in both Romanian and English, with an introduction by the editor, Lidia Vianu and illustrations by Cristina Ioana Young. You can read it here.
An earlier translation from the Romanian by Leah Fritz with Alina-Olimpia Miron of the poems in Advâncind misterul / Deepening the Mystery, by Cristiana Maria Purdescu, was published in paperback by Editura SemnE in Bucharest in 2009. Also in that year Leah Fritz was commended by Carol Ann Duffy, adjudicator of the Poetry on the Lake competition, for her poem, Four Gentlemen Reminisce About Allen Ginsberg. Previous honours include second prize in the London Writers Competition and commendation in the Exeter and Devon Poetry Competition.
Before she moved to London from New York in 1985, two prose non-fiction books were published in the USA: Thinking Like a Woman (Winbooks, New York), a collection of essays and journalism on what was known in the 1960s and ’70s as the ‘counterculture’ and Dreamers & Dealers: An Intimate Appraisal of the Women’s Movement (Beacon Press, Boston). In this connection, Leah Fritz frequently spoke at universities and churches across the US, and in debates on radio and television.
In the UK her articles and reviews have appeared in The Guardian, Literary Review, Acumen, PN Review, Poetry Review and other publications. She adjudicated the Petra Kenney Memorial Competition for three years, becoming an honorary patron, and also the Torriano Poetry Competition.
Her archives are in the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History at Duke University in the USA.
Patricia Oxley, the editor of Acumen, has written:
Leah Fritz’s poetry constantly reminds its readers of the important problems of life – poverty, hatred, war – yes, these of course – but also love, respect, how ordinary, everyday things can be invested with a life-enhancing sensibility if viewed aright. Her diction is plain, her style taut, yet there is space within her poems for the reader to move around and explore deeper aspects than perhaps a first reading reveals, for hints of wit and irony enliven with a quiet rhetoric which leaves a feeling in the heart rather than an image in the reason. Leah Fritz’s poetry always seems to celebrate life.
Of her 1999 collection, The Way to Go, Christopher Middleton commented:
Never “cute,” but reaching, in mundanity’s midst, toward acute measures of real experience – not for a single absolute but for the many possible truths – Leah Fritz’s poetry is always enjoyable for its intelligence, wit, satirical sting and freshness of wording.