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last update:
18 May23

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collections –
“Cold Harbour”,
“A Book of Follies”,
“Taking Flight”
“In the Dangerous Cloakroom”
Shoestring Press





How did each one know how to glide –
forward or back or to whichever side
across the sky this January dusk?
On second-guessing wings
they swerved and turned in time
fluid, as one – they moved in rhyme
so synchronised it seemed absurd.
Who’d guess, at dark,
that we could be as birds?

Kathryn Daszkiewicz

in collection Coldharbour, 2022, Shoestring Press, ISBN 978-1-9155531-5-7;
also published in Quartet the Four Seasons, ed. Deborah Gaye, 2018,
Avalanche Books, ISBN 978-1-8743920-2-6