last update:
19 Aug23
e-mail Jenna
Jenna Plewes website
poetry favourites:
Second Light
Cannon Poets
Worcestershire Stanza
Torbay Poetry Festival
In the Booklight
and in the shop…
collections –
“A Lick of Loose Threads”
“The Underside of Things”
Hedgehog Poetry Press;
“The Salt and Sweet of Memory”
Dempsey and Windle;
“A Woven Rope”
“Against the Pull of Time”
V. Press;
“Pull of the Earth”
Indigo Dreams;
Fear is there, waiting within the wire,
he feels it through the sole of his foot,
resists its churning as it rolls beneath him
bends his knees, weighs himself down, then
steps out and moves towards her, arms wide
as wings while she dances the rope to meet him
her white dress feathering around her.
They share a rhythm feel the wire
thrum beneath them till they meet
high above the priest, and make their vows.
Second by second they hold a silence
strung tight between their smiles.
Music drifts up like smoke. Does she now
turn and lead, or does she follow him?
Everyone waits. They each step back, desire
and fear, compass points steadying each step.