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last update:

26 Mar 13

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and in the shop…
collections –
“The Quiet Life”
Melos Press;
“Finishing Lines”
Rack Press;
“Words Take Me”
Lapwing Poetry;
“The Situation”
“The Ghost View”
Dark Age Press



             YouTube poetry p f playlist: Ian Harrow reading    Storms


Words Take Me

Words take me from where I am.
Someone I’ll never know
has unlocked the door of a house,
surrounded by trees then wilderness,
and painted the colour of the sea.
The fire is lit and one I’ll never meet
has left out food and drink
and a note on the windowsill that reads
Stay here for as long as you like.

Ian Harrow

in collection, Words Take Me, 2013, Lapwing Poetry,
ISBN 978-1-709252-25-7