[please note: update pending October 2021]
Previously 'Salisbury House Poets', the group has been meeting since 2000. It was founded by Anthony Fisher, Jane Elder and Valerie Darville. The group has a genuine interest in both reading and listening to poetry – half of the evening is devoted to “poets from the floor” and the other half to a guest poet. New members are always welcome. The original venue was Salisbury House, a Grade II listed Jacobean house in Bury Street West, Edmonton, with an unproven link to the “hanging judge” Judge Jeffreys. In 2012/13, a shift was made to The Dugdale Theatre in Enfield, though there are occasional events at other locations (see venue and dates at the poetry p f eventslisting site) The group receives no public funding and is reliant on its events for funding, so please, please, do come along to enjoy and join in the readings and enter future competitions if you can. Events [note: currently online] Please let us know if you want to be added to our mailing list. CompetitionSalisbury Poets ran their first poetry competition in 2006, with a first prize of £500, which was judged by Mario Petrucci and attracted almost 800 entries.
e-mail Anthony Fisher and Valerie Darville Website: www.enfieldpoets.com
Note: this page created for Salisbury House Poets by poetry p f on a sponsored-page basis— no formal association exists otherwise
all poems featured on this site remains with the
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