last update:
4th Jan23
poetry favourites:
Beautiful Dragons Collaborations and DragonSpawn Press
Brewery Poets
Coast to Coast to Coast
Maytree Press
Fire in the Head
Fly on the Wall
and in the shop…
collections –
“Only the Shining Hours”
“A Kind of Silence”
Maytree Press;
joint collection –
“Rugged Rocks Running Rascals”
DragonSpawn Press
YouTube poetry p f playlist: Barbara Hickson reading Out of Sight
First published in Not a Drop – just oceans of poetry,
Beautiful Dragons Collaborations (2016), and subsequently in Planet in Peril (2019)
and YouTube video for World Environment Day, 5th June 2020, Fly on the Wall Press.
It’s late this year,
the curlews’ crescendo –
that gathering call, swelling
then falling
over green-gold marshes.
On land, they’re hidden,
speckled feathers blending
into tussock and rush –
betrayed by their cry
as they lift into air, carrying
their spiralling song.
How could anyone speak of them
in the same breath as sorrow?
How could the curlew, Guilbhron,
be the bird of Dalua, an omen,
storm bringer, when we await
so impatiently
its return to our fells each Spring?