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last update:

31 Mar 12

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poetry favourites:
White Leaf Press
Poetry Kit
Ragged Raven Press
Second Light
Poetry Magazines
The Speaker’s Corner


and shop elsewhere…
collection –
“Centuries of Skin”
Ragged Raven;
forthcoming, e-chapbook –
“The Start of Rain”
Goggle Publishing;
pamphlet collection –
“Safe Passage”
White Leaf Press




She dreams of living in Brighton

On days like this she’ll visit
the Wai Kika Moo Kau cafe,
drink mug after mug of hot chocolate,
feel the sugar and caffeine
sweeten her mouth, startle her veins.
She’ll walk to the beach at sunset,
as the gulls and starlings flock
to the ghost pier’s skeleton,
circle it like recurring thoughts
in a pink meditation of sky.
She’ll watch the orange sun
make tracks beyond the horizon –
past Brighton, past Hove –
like the last train of the evening,
travelling home.

Joanna Ezekiel

published in collection, Centuries of Skin, 2010, Ragged Raven,
ISBN 978-0-9552552-9-8;
first published in Envoi, Issue 142, 2005;
commended in the Writers Inc. Writer-of-the-Year award, 2005