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last update:

29 Sep23

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listen to poem Dining Room

poetry favourites: George Szirtes
Poetry ID
Ink Sweat & Tears


and in the shop…
co-editor & a main contributor to anthology –
“Hans Sahl in Translation”,
Independent Publishing Network;
pamphlet collections –
Paekakariki Press;
“Over the Road”,
Dempsey & Windle;
“Sleepless Nights”,
Maverick Mustang Manuscripts;
fantasy volume –
“The Voice of Heaven: Ulbic Stories of Wise Men and Heroes”
Poetry ID anthologies,
latest –
“Beyond the Walls”,
“After Orwell”,
“Coming into Leaf”




John the Baptist (Guildford Cathedral)

Above the doors a stern stone man
leans on his staff and beckons upward.
He has no regard for buttercups
or houses on their sleepy slopes.
Come barefoot from the wilderness,
he gazes at the highest heaven.

Dennis Tomlinson

in pamphlet collection Ornaments, Paekakariki Press, 2022, ISBN 978-1-9081334-9-6